14 Mart 2014 Cuma

How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Access Database Engine 2007

When you want to install Office 2013, if Access Database Engine 2007 is installed on your machine it gives error as Access Database Engine is 32 bit.

You may not be able to uninstall Access Database Engine 2007 through Control Panel\Programs And Features. (Happened to me)

What you have to do is, search for AceRedist.msi on your computer. On my machine it was located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSECache\AceRedist\1033".

Right click on AceRedist.msi and choose Uninstall. After that you can install Office 2013 without a problem.


You can also search registry to find the location of Access Database Engine 2007.

Write Access Database Engine to Find What textbox.

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